Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Birthday "Elk?"

Lyle sent me this from his phone.
Not everyone celebrates with a raw elk marrow bone,
but as they are her favorite food in the world, who are we to argue.

Happy Birthday Formby!

Someone turns 14 today!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Easton's Graduation

Wow, what a fantastic and rewarding weekend! Easton III graduated as a successor service dog for Lisa, who lives in St Louis. Canine Companions for Independence put a on touching graduation ceremony and celebration and gave us puppy raisers special time alone with the pups we raised but hadn't seen in six months. What a joyful reunion. Silly Easton couldn't quite figure out how to get himself into my lap and look up at me at the same time. After some quality time together, we were treated to a brunch with the human graduates where we could learn about each other and exchange stories. Being the star he is, Easton skipped ahead of the scheduled lessons and was pulling Lisa's jacket sleeves off for her well before team training had ended.
 After the graduation itself, we all chatted some more and I could see how attentive Easton was to Lisa and what a bond they are already developing. Lisa tells me he already has bed privileges and snuggled in with her, nose to nose, resting his paw over her shoulder. Nothing could make me happier.

Our reunion

at break before ceremony

Sneaking a bit more quality time during the ceremony before presenting Easton to Lisa.

Easton, Lisa, me and Lilly

Special goodies provided by CCI volunteers

The Next Generation.
Hopefully Easton was whispering some words of advice to Lilly.
She has some big paw prints to fill.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Bev and Sierra are staying with me tonight, preparing for our trip to Ohio.
Bev, a party pooper, is asleep in her crate, but Lilly and Sierra have the whole house rattling.
Note Ouiser sitting in the basket grooming herself. A very confident (or stupid) cat with a rough and tumble golden and rottweiler just feet away. Or maybe she just knows they are both big lovable lugs.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Recipe

Rat Stuffed Strawberry

1 large strawberry, hollowed out
4-5 young ratlings
1 generous scoop of insanity

Mix together and enjoy

The little darlings will be 4 weeks old on monday and ready to move to new homes. Only four of the eight remain unspoken for, so hurry and make your request while supplies last!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Photo Pup

Lilly at 6 and a half months.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pre-wash Cycle?

Hmmm...Someone's idea of making up for this morning's plant incident by helping with the dishes?

Taking advice from friends

"Oh, two cats really aren't much more work than one."
Enough said.....