Friday, January 29, 2010

Mini Vacation

Judy and I realized we both had Thursday and Friday off, so we decided to take a mini vacation.
We started by heading to Meremac Caverns in Missouri, stopping at a Cabelas store on the way. They had some very cool displays including huge aquariums fill with giant fish. There were also many taxidermy displays throughout the store. All proved to be good training opportunities for Lilly.

The caverns were pretty neat. A little "tourist-y" with all the trinkets for sale in the gift shops, but the caves themselves are marvel of nature. Because of the time of year, we were the only people on the tour which was great. We gained a lot more info than we would had there been 50 schoolchildren surrounding us.

Upon leaving the caves, we discovered two bald eagles, an adult and a juvenile, in the trees along the adjoining river. Two deer also pranced by.

From the cavern area, we headed back towards St Louis, stopping at a little local diner in a small town where we had a great lunch of hamburgers and soup/chili. The place raises their own beef and you could tell it in the flavor! I've taken a real liking to trying to avoid most chain restaurants and enjoying the charm of the local diners.

We then stopped by another Wild birds Unlimited to gather ideas, then headed to our hotel to spend the evening relaxing by the pool and in the hot tub. It was a another good training op. for Lilly. She was a little confused by the kids jumping in the pool (disappearing humans!) but got use to the commotion and relaxed as well. The pool was one of those indoor/outdoor pools where you can swim under the wall to go outside. It was quite odd to do so and find steam pouring off your head in the 11 degree weather.

We started this morning with a full breakfast and another swim before heading off to Innsbrook to see if Sue was home. She wasn't, but the purple finches and bluebirds were there, feeding in droves at the feeders. I gave Judy a short tour of the fabulous area before tracking Sue down by phone and catching up with her for a nice lunch visit.

We had hoped to take the ferry across the mighty Missisippi to look for more eagles at Grafton, but a phone message said the ferry was closed due to ice. We moved on to Alton, crossing over to the IL side, then followed the river up to Grafton, where we found the ferry was running. UGH! Oh well, we ended up seeing several eagles in trees along the cliffs bordering the road, so it was worth the detour. We saw more eagles outside Grafton near Pierre Marquette. The was a large barge working its way up the river and it was eerie to hear the ice crunching as the barge moved along.

Finally, we worked our way back home taking many backroads through a lot of little towns who looked like time forgot. We even had to wait at the IL river while a drawbridge raised to let a barge pass. Who knew there were drawbridges in central IL?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Pups

Judy and I had a chance to visit Lisa and Easton in St. Louis today. We enjoyed a very nice visit and lunch out. It was a treat to see each of the pups I've raised together in one spot.

Bev III, Easton III, Lillith II (aka Lilly)

Judy and Bev, Lisa and Easton, Lilly

Unfortunately the camera's self timer was being difficult, so we never got a complete group shot.

The poor monkey didn't fare so well in a game of tug-of-war.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Can We Play Ball?

Who can resist this?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Little Tray of Happiness

Another dreary day in central IL, but I'm in Jacksonville at the Three Legged Dog coffee shop/diner. It's a great little place in the old downtown - oak booths, marble walls, warmly painted coffered ceilings, and as you see, lamps on each table. The old ceramic tables are oddly shorter in length than the booths, but create a perfect spot for Lilly to sleep without figuring out how to work around table legs.

I just noticed the coffee of the day is "snickerdoodle latte."
I think I see one in my future!

January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day

I'll bet you didn't know that!

So here's to you little guy, behaving yourself
nicely in the squirrel feeder!

Appreciation for you, however, not so much due to the
 teeth marks I found in that feeder yesterday!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lazy Day...

What started as a icy morning has transformed into an even gloomier rainy day. After deciding it was much too unpleasant out to install new nest boxes in the chicken coop today, I've decided to head to Starbucks and get some biz related work done while enjoying a scone and a latte. Feeling better already!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

House Hunting

No, we aren't moving, but we are helping Jane pick a house up here in IL and found this gem today. Pictures don't do it justice. It has a beautiful layout and is just the right size, on a cul-de-sac in a good neighborhood not far from us. What do you think, Jane?

front - faced south

front - 2 car garage

view from entry hall (near half of room cut off by camera)
double doors on far wall lead into sunroom/office

Sunroom office

view from back of living room toward kitchen and front entry hall

view from back of living room toward kitchen and front entry hall

view from breakfast nook

Sue pretending she knows how to use an oven

Kitchen opens into living room

Closer view from kitchen into living room and on into sunroom/office.
Half wall on left leads hides stairway to basement.
Little door beyond that leads to 2nd bedroom.

Master bedroom

Master bath, shower beyond sink, bath to the left, toilet with door across from shower. Nice tile floors.
Walk on through to very large walk in closet. Walk in closet connects to laundry room, which then opens onto hallway to garage door and front entry hall.
The way it all connects is makes an extremely convenient layout.

Giant tub.

You could bury a person in the thing!

Back Deck. House sits higher than neighboring property giving more privacy.

Not pictured:
 -full basement (unfinished) with egress windows should someone want to finish it later
-2nd bedroom (middle set of windows in the back view of house)
- 2nd full bath (tub with shower) that sits just off living room and 2nd bedroom.
-laundry (cabinets match kitchen)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Itty Bitty Chicken, Itty Bitty Egg

The big girls finally started laying again a week or so ago, and just today one of the young bantams laid her first egg. Looks like she needs to kick it up a notch if we are to make a decent omelet!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Darn Starlings!

It ain't Santa they're watchin' for!

A storm blew the bird guard off the chimney and I really need to get it replaced. We've had three starlings in the house this week, each making a big ol' mess.

One kindly removed by Judy.
One, not so kindly "removed" by Truvy.
And a final one escorted outdoors by me.

That humans had to remove two of the three is a sad statement on the abilities of the cats.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another Peaceful Evening By The Fire

What better way to spend a snowy evening.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Crafty Cats

Miss Ouiser and Truvy were hanging out in the basement.
If they figure out how to turn the router on, they might become useful!