Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Good Cat

September 1995 - July 27, 2010

Earl, one of our shop cats, lost his four year battle with kidney disease and diabetes today.
He was one of those rare cats who was friends to everyone and he typically positioned himself in the middle of the floor where everyone could say hello to him. He got along with all the dogs and put up with all the little kids who probably gave him more "loving" than most cats would tolerate.

Of course the entire staff loved Earl, but probably no one more than Tim, who was slave to Earl's every wish. When Earl's illness progressed this past winter, he went to live with Tim where he could get more special care.

Earl has been laid to rest at Meg's beautiful farm, atop a hill overlooking the scenery.

Rest well, Earl, Rest well....

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

Making sure the overhead fan hits as much bare skin as possible.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Fun and Food

Meg and Jim invited the extended WBU crew out to their farm last night for a summer gathering. As always, we had a lot of fun and we all feel lucky to have such great friends.

the neighbor's hogs

Tim and Meg commune with the cows

Meg always feeds us so well and even made Dalton a delicious birthday brownie

Fresh sweet corn from her cousin's farm. 
I'm not sure what up with the synchronized swimming it's doing.
Seems a little corny to me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Meeting Big Brother

Easton and Lisa came up for a visit today.
I couldn't get a great photo with the phone, 
but here's Easton playing a gentle game of tug with little Sly.

Comparing baby photos.
Easton - Seven Weeks.

Sly - Eight Weeks

Oops, She's Not Mom!

I think I've mentioned Sly's mom is also Lilly's mom, and Lilly looks just like her. So I felt for the little guy when, several times today, Lilly suddenly walked into the room and the "Mom!" thought goes into Sly's little head and he makes a bee-line for her belly, rooting forcefully before realizing his mistake. Lilly just freezes with this confused look on her face.

He's Here!

Sly arrived late Friday and is settling in well with only a moderate amount of crying. He's slept through both nights and has had zero potty accidents. He has already ran to the door a couple of times. Lilly only had 5 accidents as a pup, so I hope he breaks her record.  
Lilly wanted nothing to do with Sly for the first 12 hours or so, but as you can see, she was won over by his charm. 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Coming Soon!

Unless there are any weather delays, Sly should be arriving in less than a week.