Wednesday, April 27, 2011

YoYo - May 1, 1988 - April 27, 2011

~ 2 weeks, May 1988

~ 4 weeks, May/June 1988



I lost an old friend today. It's hard to believe I was just 16 when I decided to buy this tiny baby bird, my first ever to hand feed. YoYo survived my efforts and was followed by hundreds more during my years working in pet shops. Alas, he was the only one who was still with me. 

During his life he:
- saw me through my final year of high school
- fathered a fair number of baby birds of his own
- moved along through at least a half dozen or more house moves
- lived with my sister for a few years while my life was hectic, and until children caused hers to became more so
- learned to whistle a number of tunes, though forgot most of them as he aged
- saw an untold number of other pets come and go, but never seemed bothered by them or the attention they demanded and always remained a gentle soul

The old bird will be missed.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Raining Dogs and Cats

We woke up to a huge storm dumping tons of water on the city. It cleared quickly, yet hours later water was till running down the streets and through the yards. It took advantage of it to work on training challenges, like staying consistent despite obstacles like water or open grates, or both.

We got chased back home in the late afternoon by another round of storms and ended up in the basement when the tornado warnings went off. Sly, still wet, got sequestered in the pop up crate which Truvy had obviously never seen before.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

 The dryer monster protecting her kill.

 The dryer monster doing who knows what.

Computer cat (aka lap warmer)

Spring Photos

Nothing says Easter like roasting peeps over 
open flames from chicken and egg candles.

The Easter Turkey?


Boy, I sure am behind on updates. We got back from Italy a week and half ago so I guess it's time I got some pictures posted. Florence and the Tuscan countryside were absolutely gorgeous and the weather couldn't have been any better (sunny and 70-75 everyday). I took over 400 pics, so narrowing down just a few to highlight was tough, but here they are.