Friday, October 26, 2012

Remodel, of sorts

As the old cardinal had gone albino, I had the graphics on my van updated today. (Shameless plug?) And while I was at it, I had the sign company make me a nicer CCI sticker. The clear static one was growing things behind it.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Autumn Birds

Just a few of the birds in the yard on a gorgeous fall morning earlier this week.

 More goldfinches than you can shake a stick at. 
(Not that I'm sure why you would want to shake a stick at a sweet little goldfinch.)

 Goldfinches in the garden stream.

 They were joined by a yellow rumped warbler (at right).

 Another view of the warbler.

 Morning dove. I just liked his positioning in the autum color.

The first junco (aka snowbird) of the season.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Catching Up

The past few weeks have been crazy busy, so here's an attempt to catch up.

I love that fall is here. I just hope the weather remains pleasant for long enough to really take advantage of it.

A mini dose of autumn color.
My mums don't get enough sunlight to do very well, but I still appreciate their attempt.

 Nifty has long had an issue with one of his canine teeth and after it broke in half during a play session one evening, he had to have the remainder extracted. Thankfully dogs, and retrievers in particular, are so resilient, one would never know by his actions that all this occurred.

Stitches closing up the site of the extracton.

What was the visible tooth is the smaller section. The root below the gumline is the huge section.

The chicks have all matured, and with little roosters starting to crow, the extras all had to move out to Meg's rural farm. I kept one red hen and one Icelandic hen.
The big "chick" still follows her little mom around. Odd but cute.

The Icelandic is the pretty spotted hen at the back. 

I love chicken humor.

The cool weather has prompterd evenings by the fireplace.

Introducing Sparkplug.  With two dogs already in residence, I certainly didn't need a third dog, but sometimes taking one in is just the right thing to do. In this case, it's also proving to be a great fit. At age 13, Sparkplug is simply a very nice, and easygoing, little dog to have around. The medical baggage she arrived with is slowly getting unpacked and sorted out. She's a tough old gal, so I think she'll do great.
She loves her sunbeams.

And burrowing into warm blankets.