Thursday, December 31, 2009

Accidental Photo

This photo occurred while I was trying to adjust a setting on the camera and didn't realize I was accidentally taking a picture. Nice kind of accident.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New 'Do for Poo

Poor Formby was long overdo for a haircut and the new snow was causing her to tangle. I don't think she has ever been this furry faced in her 14 years. She can now see better, and definitely smells better!



Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Fun

The snow today delayed plans for Mom and Dad's visit until tomorrow, but Lyle and I made the best of the unexpected snow and had fun. The dogs (we're babysitting Bev) kept asking to go out just to play. They had a blast romping, chasing each other and chewing sticks. Then we all made it to the park for a photo session. Does anyone want to guess how much snow clumps onto a golden retriever and then melts all over the dining room floor?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Beauty

The miserable rain turned to snow when the temps went from 43 to 24 in a matter of a few hours, bringing with it a flurry of activity to the bird feeders. This flicker and cardinal were among the many birds happy for a free meal.

Merry Christmas

The usual holiday progression at our house.

Lyle behaving nicely while waiting for presents.

Reaction when he thinks his stocking contains less than anyone else's.

A bit too much holiday cheer.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Wishes

Formby hopes everyone gets what they want for Christmas this year!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fireside Takeover

Looks like there's competition for the hearth pillow.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We Have Fire

And a very happy little dog.

Gave up on trying wood in the old fireplace and finally had gas logs installed today.
I still have to add more "ashes" to the floor around the unit, but thought I'd make sure everything else looks good for a day or two first.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Butter, powdered sugar, AND syrup.
My mama taught me how to have a good start to a day!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Caught It!
"The orange headed caterpillar is doomed!"

Getting Sleepy

And She's Out

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Formby is Losing It

Formby is back in Springfield and I'm questioning her mental stability. Despite the choice of a comfy bed on the couch, a heated pad in the cat condo, or a bed in my office, I kept finding her asleep on pieces of dirty laundry in the middle of the bathroom floor (no commentary on my laundry needed). Since her hearing is gone, and fearing I'd accidentally kill her by tripping over her in the middle of the night, I finally gave her a bed in the bathroom. Not terribly convenient in that small space, but if it keeps her happy (and alive,) so be it.