Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mr. Chatterbox

I saw this posting on Facebook.

"Dear teacher, I talk no matter where I am. 

Moving my seat will not help."

No surprise to anyone who knows me, but this statement pretty much sums up my childhood. I can't count the number of times I was moved around a classroom until eventually winding up with my desk butting up to the teacher's. Of course, then I just talked to them. 

Glad these things didn't weigh much since the teachers always made me do the moving.

I don't think I understood then that they were lovingly making fun of me, but I know someone in my family gave me this shirt when I must have only been 5 years old or so.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm..the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I, too, remember being moved a few times..only to make a new friend there :) As a last resort, when I was in high school, my geometry teacher moved me right in front of his desk..I just talked to him ! ( glad that his daughter and I were friends :)
