Friday, February 4, 2011

Good News and Random Photos

Good News!
Received THE call from CCI today. Lilly has been matched as a facility dog, and will primarily be working with children. Her soft expression will warm any child's heart. We'll be attending her graduation next Friday.

Eye Boogers
OK, kind of gross, but both Easton and now Sly have constantly had goopy eyes. Today one of his boogers got caught on his eyebrow and with every eye movement he made it stretched back and forth. Sort of gross, but funny to watch.

Sitting at Starbucks today, I looked down and Sly had fallen asleep and his breathing had created this curious saliva bubble.

Vacuums = BORING
Went shopping for vacuums again today. Sly was laying there nicely, then gave a big sigh and flopped over on his side. Apparently I was taking much too long analyzing the matter.

Went for a walk in the park and saw this nice winter view,

and lots of ducks paddling to keep a little bit of water open.


  1. YEAH for you and Lilly! I'm very proud of you both!

  2. Love the randomness! Eye boogers & saliva bubbles...that's good stuff!
