Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The hummingbirds are voracious in appetite right now. This is one of two that fed when I was carrying the feeders abck out after changing nectar.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Patricia V

This evening I picked up Canine Companions for Independence puppy #6, Patricia the Fifth.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


The morning sun chose to give the spotlight to these surprise lilies.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Lyle sent photos today of the views from his hotel. 
...and jealousy sets in.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lyle is off to Rome, chaperoning high school kids. Plane should be touching down soon. I'm glad I'm not part of that wrangling kids, but I am jealous of the trip itself. I love the classic buildings and hotels in Europe.

Friday, June 7, 2013

As a volunteer for Canine Companions for Independence, I send out a huge thank you to all the participants and organizers of the Fat Ass 5K & Street Party for Charity. I was honored to be able to represent CCI at the presentation of your most generous donation. These wonderful dogs make such a difference in the lives of people with disabilities and your help makes this possible.
Thank you!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tuesday I said goodbye; Wednesday I said hello x 4. 

Misty, the cat I'm fostering for Forever Home Feline Ranch, popped out four little ginger kittens. Misty is an incredibly nice cat. She arrived a week and half ago and is getting along flawlessly with my cats and dogs and she loves people. However, her kittens will join the thousands of other adorable kittens also in a mad search for homes this season. In most cases, the cute kittens will have better chances than their mothers and other adult cats in the shelter systems. Misty and her new family are lucky because she made it out of a bad situation and found her way here, but other pets may not be so fortunate.
So, I realize that for my group of friends this is preaching to the choir, but just the same let's all continue to push other people to spay and neuter their pets.

(Oh, and who wants dibs on Misty or one of the kids? The Ranch would love to hear from you. )

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In Memory...

Sparkplug 6/22/99 - 5/28/13

While I've only had the pleasure of having her with me for the last 8 months of her nearly 14 years, Sparkplug moved in with such a smooth transition that it seems she has always been here. She was confident, smart, determined, and perhaps living up to her quirky name, she most loved the simple pleasure of riding in the van with me whenever she could. I'm going to miss my little road trip buddy.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Shades of Blue, and Purple, and...

Mother Nature constantly impresses me. While I plant a few plants here and there, it is rarely with a real landscape plan in mind. Some plants survive, some don't, some move or reseed on their own. No matter how it happened, I like this year's results.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

 Forget Me Nots
Lilac Blooms
 Female Red-bellied woodpecker
 Male Goldfinch
Male Rose-breasted grosbeak
 Tufted titmice
Tufted titmouse

Sunday, April 28, 2013

More Birds of Spring

 House finches and cardinal

 NOT a Barred Owl

 Rose breasted grosbeak

  Rose breasted grosbeak
 Rose breasted grosbeak

 Black capped chickadee

  Black capped chickadee

 Pine siskins
 Blue heron 

A flycatcher of some sort