Friday, October 30, 2009

I need to learn Braille?

After a long day touring Indiana, I returned to Springfield to help teach two dog agility classes plus assist Judy with an obedience class that lasted late into the evening. We were starving, so I asked Judy to join me for a late supper. It was 10:30 so we went to Perkins knowing they would be open and they didn't mind a service dog pup in tow. However, we weren't quite prepared for the response. I instructed Lilly under the table, and settled myself in the booth while the server gave us our menus. Quickly she returned with another menu, which I just figured was a dessert menu and then I looked at the cover realized it was a Braille menu for blind people. Being late, and me being a bit giddy, it struck me as really funny, and lost it laughing. I think I offended the poor girl, but thankfully since Judy works with deaf people she jumped in to save me. We explained to the server and her manager our situation and that despite my inappropriate reaction, she had in fact done exactly the right thing - if in doubt, make sure the guest has anything necessary to accommodate them.

And the service dog in training decided it was way past her bedtime. When we left just before midnight, I told Lilly to "stand" - no response. I called her name, no response. She had gone into full out sleep mode and I actually had to kneel on the floor, reach under the table and tap her gently to wake her. She woke with that "where am I" expression on her face. I guess puppies are like little kids, when it's bedtime, they can fall asleep anywhere.

Covered Bridge

I visited Mom and Dad this week while picking up inventory from a nearby vendor. Dad and I went for a drive and wound up having lunch in Eugene, IN at the Covered Bridge Cafe, its namesake right out the windows. The cafe is of those quaint local places with a hearty meal, friendly staff and lots of "regulars." Heck, the guy who sat down next to us was served his drink and meal without the waitress ever asking him what he wanted.

Built in 1873

Closed to auto traffic in 1974.
On our visit it was occupied by a pair of Carolina wrens on bug patrol.

A bit of moss on an old wooden wagon near the entrance to the restaurant. Maybe just me, but I think the colors and textures are interesting.

From the parking lot we were admiring these big draft horses next door when the owner came out and poured feed on the wagon-turned-feedtrough. It was then we realized there was no fence. I guess you can do that in extremely small towns?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Eyes opened today and the coat color patterns are even more defined. Looks like we have every shade from very light to very dark. While they haven't left their nest on their own accord yet, when taken out, they are very mobile and capable of climbing quite well. Poor Mom must be drained. She eats non-stop. It must be hard to produce enough milk for babies whose combined weight is likely more than her own.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Getting Cuter

The baby rats are ten days old and have hair, giving them their color patterns. They feel soft as velvet.
Will be ready for new homes in two weeks. No fighting over them please!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Crazy Cat Person?

I hope dragging cat furniture home from the cat show doesn't make me a crazy cat person. Though I'm sure the vendor thought I was just crazy in general, taking two visits and more than an hour to decide on models and colors. Anyone who knows me knows I agonize over decisions (Lyle won't even venture into the cereal aisle with me.) And face it, cat trees are not "pretty," but the cats sure are enjoying them.

Addition of heated bed to bottom turned the tower into deluxe accommodations.
(uh oh, that's adds another notch in the crazy dept.)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Autumn Colors

The colors have finally arrived, so Judy and I took the dogs to the park and remembered to bring the camera. The weather was fantastic and the park was full of other people taking photos of either their kids or dogs.

Thank you, Judy, for some fine photographic skills!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New Kitty Debut

Ater giving new kitty (no name yet) many hours to relax alone, she remained in hiding, so I finally just let Ouiser in to see her. Apparently she is used to being with all her siblings, so the sight of another cat was all she needed and she immediately came out to explore.

First exploration - through the diatomaceous earth in the food closet. Makes nice footprints.

By her coat pattern, she couldn't decide if she wanted to be a tabby or a tortie.

Escape attempt?

Back to bed - now go away!

Friday, October 16, 2009

3 Days and Growing

What difference 3 days makes. Less like embryos, and now with lots of extra skin. Compare the size relation with the peanut to the photo from the day they were born. Growing fast since there is plenty of grub to go around. 8 ratlets and it seems momma rats have 12 nipples. Who knew....

Three kids are taking on mom's pattern, the rest look to be albino.

So, again, who needs a pet rat?

Side Note: Yes, the kitty came home from the vet's today. She is sweet but rather uncertain about her new surroundings (her momma was a feral) and has yet to come out from under the bed.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Take Me Home"

was the message and photo sent to my phone by Angie at my vet's office, coming a day after the office called me at work with the forlorn story about a cat needing a home. Does that mean I spend too much time at the vet's when they now feel comfortable stalking me? LOL Actually, everyone at the clinic is wonderful. After we lost the other cat that arrived with Ouiser, I did tell them I might be open to another one if the right one came along. We'll see what tomorrow brings when I'm back in Springfield.

Interesting observation: The cat cage is lined with an ad for the emergency room at the local hospital.
Oberservation #2: This cat had beeter be on some good pain meds, 'cause it sure looks stoned.

Pumpkin Fun


Spending a few day up north, and though it is a bit early, we decided to carve a pumpkin (can't get to those seeds any other way!) Lyle set about creating a scary gourd while I roasted the seeds. So tasty!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Perfect Day

A few weeks ago Judy and I took the dogs to Centennial Park and she snapped this great photo (showing my age? does one still "snap" a photo?)

Afterwards, Lilly was begging to get in the water, but with no trees in the park, there were no sticks to be thrown, so I jokingly tossed in a big clod of dirt. Lilly actually found it underwater and proudly carried the giant mud ball back to me. What wasn't in her mouth, was all over her, so she had a nice bath that evening!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Is this an Infestation?

So, after arranging for the humane society to neuter the male friend I acquired for 'Touille, my new female rat, it turns out the surgery wouldn't make much difference in events to come. As my friend Tomi (from whom I got her) said, apparently 'Touille already had biscuits in the oven when she was purchased at the pet shop. I had noticed she seemed to be getting suspiciously round, as you can see by comparing the picture from exactly two weeks ago to the one taken this morning, but was foolishly hoping it was just a healthy appetite. The great event happened while I was at work today. Eight of the pink little buggers. Can't say they are cute, but it is kind of neat how you can see the milk they have ingested through their thin belly skin. Fortunately they grow quickly and three week old rats are very cute and make great pets.
Who wants one, or two....? Anyone? Anyone?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sushi Bar?

No losses that I know of, though with hundreds of guppies in that tank, it would be hard to tell. Miss Ouiser simply seems to enjoy drinking running water from the tank (or shower, or sink or anywhere but a bowl.)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chilly Morning

It's the first really chilly morning of the season, outside temps in the lower 30's, but Lilly and Miss Ouiser found warmth in a nice sunbeam and each other's company.

Friday, October 9, 2009


What better way to introduce my blog than posting what will be the first of many photos of animals. The rat, Sammy, is the most recent addition to the household and is getting to know Lilly.