Thursday, June 16, 2011

Two Days Off

It's not often I have two days off in a row that aren't completely booked with tasks to complete. Not that there aren't things at home I could be doing, there always will be, but some can be put off indefinitely. So I took advantage of nice weather to do a few things that are more fun. 

I started by meeting Megan for breakfast at our favorite greasy spoon, and then driving around the neighborhood together looking at houses - always fun. Then I headed to Jacksonville to help Judy install her new wood duck house and letting Sly play with her dogs in her wonderfully large fenced yard. We followed that by installing all the knobs on the new kitchen cabinets. They look great, aside from the one drawer front with too many holes drilled in it. Sorry!!! Finished with a nice meal at the Mexican food joint with a very nice server.

Inspection crew - 4 out of the 5 dogs decided they needed to be "helpful."

OK, Sly actually was helpful. The ladder was steady.

 Quack, Quack?

Project complete.

I slept in 'til 7:45 before catching up on some little projects around the house. Picked up Jane and ran the usual errands, adding to them a nice stop at The Gables Market Days. They had many local artist in attendance, along with live music. The weather was perfect.

Grilled Salmon & Bacon sandwich. Delicious even if the bacon seemed to have gone m.i.a.

After dropping Jane off at her home, Sly and I headed to Starbuck to relax and do some computer work. It always seems less tedious if accompanied by a coffee and cookie. We followed that by a walk through the park. The light breeze made it very nice, but didn't do much to deter those nastly little buffalo gnats.

 Hmmm, evidence would suggest Sly did, in fact, eat part of that dog toy at Judy's yesterday. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you actually blogged a photo of dog poop... and a closeup at that! :-) Gave me a good laugh right before heading to bed.
